Release Date : 2024.07.18
Artist : Exportion
Title : うたた寝/Utatane
Number : PG132
Media : Digital/Streaming
[Track List]
01. うたた寝/Utatane
[Artist Profile]
アート/アンビエント/エクスペリメンタル集団 Exportion 「多重化、断片化されたサウンドおよびビジュアルの再構築」をコンセプトに環境音、楽器、電子音、人間の声、絵画、写真やビデオなどを駆使した作品制作、ライブパフォーマンス、視覚と聴覚の両方向からのアプローチを行う。これまでにいくつかのサウンドプロジェクト、美術展への参加、また国内外のレーベルから作品をリリース、展示やダンス、演劇の為のデザイン、楽曲、映像の提供等を行ってきた。
Formed in 2008 by videographer painter Yuki Izumi and musicographer Takahisa Hirao.
Together, they take a dual, audio-video approach through recordings and live performances that incorporate environmental sounds, instrumental music, electronica and human voice as well as various painting mediums, photography and video.
Through their design and music contributions, they have played an active part in numerous sound projects, art exhibitions, dance and other stage performances, and films to date.
Since 2012, the duo began welcoming new members from diverse musical and visual backgrounds, all of who are free to collaborate or not collaborate on any given project so as to further enhance Exportion’s organic, “no fluff” approach. In doing so, the collective has been able to further defy genres and be more flexible in its pursuits, adapting its live performances to cover a wide array of themes and stage venues.
Exportion Official HP: